Monday, April 19, 2010

Juneau Tour Co. and Seminary

Last Thursday I taught Seminary so Mr. X could go to Inservice. Our lesson was on 3 Nephi 27 , specifically, the name of Christ's church. The lesson manual suggested having the students name an organzation and then discuss what the organization did. To make it a little more interesting, I suggested that the kids could create their own Juneau tour company and provided hints: the Fudge Shop, TrailMix org and Dolphin Tours. Here's what the class came up with:

1) Juneau Calendar Co./In your face Calendars - scenic photography with a bit of humor. For example a picture of the Glacier with a dead bear in the foreground. A cloud of flies and a lump of magg -Okay, Okay next;

2) SPEAR - SPear fishing Exhilirating AdventuRe - Deep sea spear fishing in Alaska's cold waters. Logical and creative;

3) La Mer de l'Alaska - gift shop that sells overpriced trinkets and trash to tourists who really just want bottled water and an umbrella. There was great debate regarding this name, its authenticity and market for sales;

4) Juneau Barehand Fishing - Purchase dead fish from the hatchery, tuck it under your parka and then ask passengers on the cruise dock if they'll pay you $20 to catch a fish barehanded. Dive into the water, swim around and after a while, present the spawned-out Chum.

I'm not certain the point of the exercise was ever established, but it was enjoyed by all.


  1. Number 4 needs a better business plan or pricing structure. Twenty bucks surely won't cover the swimming suit, time and certainly won't cover the fish & game fine and court costs for catching a spawning salmon with hands. Those dumb lugs have to clearly be caught with a hook inside of the mouth - at least in our fisheries.

    I love number one!! That one is a real keeper!!

  2. i'm subbing for shana tomorrow...haaa, haaa...i'm using this in my lesson, i hope we get to the point...The Church's name


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